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The Full Story
On February 5th, 2021, a seven-piece band from Oostende, Belgium classified themselves as, "Hip Hop," and released a single/EP entitled, "Conquest," under the name, 'Shore Shot'. By doing so, this collective proved to be the furthest thing from, "Hip Hop," based on those actions alone. They took a name that's been in existence for well over a decade and change, in the same category of music, and actually thought it was ok to use it. Their single/EP, "Conquest," began to populate next to my catalog of music when searching for, "shoreshot," on itunes, spotify, etc. This clearly caused consumers to be confused, which is one of the multitude of reasons patent and trademark offices exist. Your artist/band name (TM) is meant to stand alone. I then advised the band to refrain from using my name immediately. I left a few comments on their Instagram page and gave them my email upon their request/response. My comments were then deleted moments later, and my account was blocked as well. Several days after the band blocked me, I received an email from them stating that our names can, "coexist," and it won't, "confuse any consumers" and they're, "so convinced". In addition, they stated that they have no interest in, "further discussing," the matter with me. (see video for my full reply to their email) I then phoned a close friend who happens to be the best IP attorney I know. He confirmed it was a clear infringement on the bands part, and he walked me through the trademark process on the USPTO.GOV site. He then connected me with a law firm in the Netherlands, in order to trademark my name in the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg). Once my trademarks were filed in the US and Benelux, I sent an email to Distrokid, the band's digital distributor. I requested the bands immediate removal from all online stores in the US and Benelux. Distrokid notified the band of their infringement. The band responded to Distrokid and claimed that they were working the dispute out with me, which was false. I then advised Distrokid that the band refused to sign any agreement/s proposed to them by my legal defense in the Netherlands, and to proceed with my request for their removal. My request was granted on July 30th, 2021, and their album was taken down from all online stores a week later. Distrokid's infringement department put the band through an, "artist name change" process, where they would have to submit a new name, new artwork, etc. Their EP, "Conquest," was re-released on Oct. 1st, 2021 under the band's new name, 'Shoreline Collective,' which is available to download/stream on all online platforms. The band also re-categorized the album, and listed it's new primary genre as, "R&B/Soul." They then announced their name change on their social platforms and told fans they got sued. They were never sued. They were removed, by their own distributor, until they changed their name to something other than mine. This song is all about the following members/pretenders: Frie Mechele (vox) Kush Gurung (vox) Thomas Decock (guitar) Renaud Debruyne (drums) Jonas Desmet (keys) Jason 'Chase the Nomad' Saliou (DJ) Felix De Clerck (bass) This song/video/mini-doc is all truth, providing all necessary physical, digital, visual, lyrical, and applicable proof. It's a tribute to trademarks, as well as those who infringe on them. Some may say this is disrespecting ... i prefer to refer to it as disinfecting. Most props II the following extended fam: - Cheef Justus for being the guest feature on the intro, locating the, "frauds abroad," and putting them on my radar to begin with. - James for helping me file with the USPTO, and linking me with a legal team to do the same with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP). - Matt Horant for being the mix-mastering champ on the recording. - Slimbojimboyo for taking it home on the cinematography. shoresTruly, shoreShot #guardinTheState #realShoreAboutIt